Moments Of Extreme Dedication

Live the story

A year ago


A year ago, we had the feeling that we should do something about the overall decline in ‘confidence’. Confidence in someone, confidence in each other, confidence in yourself and above all the ability to share confidence!


It is unreal that some people are excluded by others just because they are considered to be `different’. It is unacceptable that children are desperate because they are constantly being bullied. It is ridiculous that someone is considered crazy just for trying something different and for believing in their dream and living it!

We wanted to show the world that everyone can share (self) confidence and started our ‘MOED Unlimited’ initiative.


MOED, the word for ‘fearlessness’ in Dutch, is our acronym and stands for ‘Moments Of Extreme Dedication’. It takes extreme dedication to jump out of space in a freefall, fly super agile aircraft, do your job, compete in sports or excel as an artist.  But in fact, true dedication also means just being yourself, no matter what, doing the things you love and live the story! MOED is all about confidence and dedication!


We are very happy that our journey has finally begun. We gave our MOED daredevil Niels, a young fashion designer from Amsterdam, the confidence to assemble the first MOED item: a baseball cap. It is something different: not just another type of cap already abundantly available on the market; it´s a MOED cap!


People wearing a MOED cap live the story.


We will introduce MOED ambassadors soon. We will also keep you posted when the cap, limited stock, becomes available.


Ted & Ellen Meeuwsen


Dare to live life!